

I’m so happy you’ve landed here where you’ll discover Network Chiropractic as well as other healing practices for Dreaming & Awakening!

Courage & ...

Courage & ...

I am sitting here tonight just wishing you all a deep sigh of ease amidst the chaos.

A few days ago, my body just said enough. I could hardly begin teaching Friday morning through the tears. By Friday night I was pressing my body to the cold bathroom floor and vomiting up the emotional upheaval. Ick. Never before has my nervous system been so affected by external events so beyond my control! I’m grateful to say that yoga, friendship, poetry and time outside all restored me to a sense of ease.

Truly, none of us are immune to the intensity of these times. I mean, whose heart hasn’t broken yet in the past eleven months?! I do hope that you are being gentle with yourself and those near to you. And when things fall apart, I wish you courage and compassionate reparations to heal the wounds. May this be true for you personally and for us all collectively.

I can tell you that one of the most healing things I can do is be in healing spaces with others. I am beyond thankful for those of you who come to Bend Wellness Center and for those of you who come to yoga online each week.

As for yoga, I’m changing the schedule this week. We are meeting on Tuesdays at 9:30am PT (via Zoom).

The practice is a strong, grounding alignment-based flow with invitations to up level or take it easy. Each class begins with an intention that is woven throughout the practice with asana, mudra and poetry to come home to your heart.

Register here:

And a blessing of courage for you in these times, from David Whyte:

“Courage is the measure of our heartfelt participation with life, with another, with a community, a work, a future. To be courageous is not necessarily to go anywhere or do anything except to make conscious those things we already feel deeply and then to live through the unending vulnerabilities of those consequences.”

Deep Sighs, Many Om’s & Much Courage,

The Discerning Voice

The Discerning Voice

Out of the Darkness, A New Year

Out of the Darkness, A New Year