Clear the Way for Creativity {{Capricorn Full Moon & Eclipse Recap and Reset}}
This Moon will assist you in clearing away toxic patterns that have stagnated in your being. Old paradigms of competition, comparison, jealousy, hierarchy, etc. are up for review and structures that no longer serve can be dismantled and made into building blocks for new creative endeavors. If you choose!
Maria Popova of Brain Pickings (one of my absolute favorite weekly email newsletters) writes: “The antidote to stagnation, therefore, lies in surrounding oneself with people of creative vitality.” I would add places of creative vitality to this, as well.
So, how is it with your soul?
Are you surrounding yourself with creative vitality?
Are you daily delighting your spirit and connecting with your soul in some way?
What does that look like for you?
What small thing can you do to shift?
Call a friend. Set up an art canvas and get out your paints. Read poetry out loud (to your lover, the moon, the trees, the stars, the sun, whoever/whatever may be listening). Move your body! Write down a dream and bring it to life. Go for a hike among “the green growing things and water” (Barbara Kingsolver). Surround yourself with that which is alive and well, full-spirited and vibrant.
When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy,
And the dimpling stream runs laughing by;
When the air does laugh with our merry wit,
And the green hill laughs with the noise of it;When the meadows laugh with lively green,
And the grasshopper laughs in the merry scene;
When Mary and Susan and Emily
With their sweet round mouths sing 'Ha ha he!'When the painted birds laugh in the shade,
Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread:
Come live, and be merry, and join with me,
To sing the sweet chorus of 'Ha ha he!'- William Blake, Laughing Song
For me, I’m experiencing summer through the joyful unbounded energy of my son. He’s nearly 21 months old now and wow. He is the most boisterous lover of food and play. He’s at the stage where food is play. And play is endless! We go to the pool nearly every day and he will stand on the side of the pool, arms up to the sky, and scream with joy! Then he leaps from the side of the pool - or rather bellyflops - and swims into my arms, ready for more “wee!” (the big slide)!
That’s vitality.
And creativity? How about co-creativity?! I mean, I can’t be more grateful for the beautiful Edwina and our Radiant Summer Yoga Retreaters (get ready for this being a yearly event if we can swing it!) - the beauty of immersing ourselves in yoga in nearly untouched nature is beyond rejuvenating.
And there’s more that I’d love to share with you!
Julia of Saged App: If you enjoy writings like this and are interested in ritualizing your life, I invite you to download Saged App, so you have access to resources that light you up. Julia is the creator behind it and she has put so much love and care into every bit of it. I’m a regular contributor and in the company of many other beautiful cultural creatives. I’m supporting their fundraising campaign by offering Wavelength Sessions. Support HERE.
Lauren of Wavelength: Oh my goodness, just wait! There’s BIG magic coming.
You. Thank you. I sit here before each new and full moon thinking of you and wondering how to best communicate with you and offer things of Beauty, Love & Magic. After the letters go out, I love hearing from you.
Cinnamon Rose: Cinnamon and I are hosting a workshop in Bend at the end of the month for Lughnasadh: From Competition & Comparison to Devotion & Mastery: practices for reclaiming your will, drive, and self-worth.
We invite you into the magic of the Lughnasadh Season with a workshop that will support you in shifting from the constraints of competition and comparison to the true freedom of devotion and mastery.
You will learn Energy Practices to reclaim your personal will, drive, discipline and devotion, and physical movement practices to create a foundation for embodying self-mastery and integrity. We will conclude with a guided meditation to discover your personal areas of genius, and dream into the next steps in your devotion to the mastery of the gifts you’ve been given.
Join us: July 28, 4-6pm and pre-register to reserve your spot by sending your payment of $45 through PayPal Paypal.Me/priestesswarriorlove or Venmo @CinnamonRose.
May this Full Moon and Eclipse move you, clear you, ignite you, change you and connect you. For complacency is a living death. But as Virginia Woolf writes: “A self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living.”
So Live my friends!
July 16 Capricorn Full Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 2:38pm PDT
July 28 From Competition & Comparison to Devotion & Mastery Workshop @ 4-6pm, The Hive, Bend. More info HERE.
July 31 Leo New Moon @ 8:11pm PDT/Super Moon
August 15 Aquarius Full Moon - Lunar Lughnasadh @ 5:29am PDT