Oh these Piscean energies…!
So, I have a lot of Pisces energy in my natal astrology and am finding this week to be quite interesting (interesting because there’s a creative push/pull tension where I’m simultaneously wanting to be out in the world sharing, and home under the covers dreaming or reading a book). Mercury (the messenger) went retrograde in Pisces at the beginning of the week and the New Moon on Sunday 2/23 at 7:32am PT is in Pisces, as well.
Pisces is mystical and dreamy…an energy that dissolves the ego identification with self and merges you with the infinite. It can be quite sweet if you allow yourself to slow down, close your eyes and drift in oceanic consciousness. I’m already going there as I write to you tonight…feeling the promise of deep dreams beckoning and calling me away from all waking world cares and responsibilities. In the extreme, this is the shadow side of Pisces - a tendency to withdraw from the outer world and even slip into denial.
But here’s the thing, our dreams and other practices that connect us with the Great Mystery can help us weave the inner and outer realms together. Dreams (day and night) not only give us respite from waking world, but also provide messages that help with waking world quandaries. This is what I love so much about dreamwork and dream circles (oh, and stay tuned - I’m exploring the idea of a zoom video dream circle, so we can gather together virtually).
Speaking of other practices, Bend Wellness Center is now open!!! We just completed our first week and wow, it felt sooooo good to be there. Everyone who walked in the door could feel the healing energy right away. It’s one of those places that you just want to be in. I’m offering a Spring Special of 20% off packages, so if you’re curious and you’re here in Bend, let’s find some time for you to receive Network Spinal Chiropractic. And let me tell you, these sessions are quite dreamy!
Meet the Bend Wellness Center swan - swans are symbolic of fluidity, intuition, dreaming, emotions and creativity.
And tonight, I encourage you to pay close attention to your dreams. If you’re struggling, ask your dreams for support. When you wake up, share them or write them down. Then, as you sip your morning coffee/tea/lemon water, close your eyes and allow yourself to drift in the watery realm of Pisces, so that your resistances liquify and you become the flow.
Sweet Dreams,
2/23/20 @ 7:32am PT Pisces New Moon
3/9/20 @ 10:48am PT Virgo Full Moon