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Some Soul Love and Support

Some Soul Love and Support

"Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable” (From Mary Oliver's "Evidence”).

I’ve been feeling the collective struggles in my physical body. It’s intense! Don’t you agree? We’ve reached the midpoint of this Pisces lunation this morning with the Virgo Full Moon. Pisces is a dreamer, and sometimes has a hard time discerning dreams from reality, self from other and personal from collective. However, Virgo’s power is in discernment - collecting the necessary tools and assembling the healing committees.

I’m curious how it is with your soul today? Are you energized and inspired, just so-so, or quite drained? Do you feel you have the resources to work with whatever is on your plate?

Last week my back went out in the midst of a beautifully busy second week of Bend Wellness Center. Even though I couldn’t walk well, I still felt pretty well-resourced with the help at hand and I healed up pretty quickly. Even so, I was moving slowly and considering the nature of pain and suffering…

There is a strong energetic component to lower back pain. For me, it is connected to power, and my goodness, there are a lot of crazy power struggles happening these days! When I give my power away, I lose my center. When I get overwhelmed, my nervous system tightens into sympathetic defense. When I fall prey to fear, I feel defeated by forces beyond my control. So when I realized what was going on, I evaluated what was going on subconsciously and took care of the power leaks.

See, when you’re all stirred up, it’s hard to discern what is real. It’s hard to respond. It’s easy to get caught up in the crisis and contribute to it. It’s easy to go into emotional denial and succumb to it.

Here’s a suggestion: Unplug for a moment and instead of being pushed around by messages on your devices, tune into the messages in your body. Welcome support from healing hands and healing hearts. Refine your ability to discern what is true and right for you. Find ways to actively work with what is showing up. Connect with the eternal and your soul through meditation, movement, and healing allies. Trust the process.

I’d love to support you in raising your frequency so you can see through the current chaos into what is evolving. If you’re in Bend, join me for ongoing Dream Circles and Network Chiropractic (email for more info). If you’re further away, set up a Thrive Soul Session.

Take a deep breath and create room in your heart for unimaginable healing and goodness as you step across each threshold of evolution!

With Love,

A Remedy for Fear and Isolation

A Remedy for Fear and Isolation

Oh these Piscean energies…!

Oh these Piscean energies…!