

I’m so happy you’ve landed here where you’ll discover Network Chiropractic as well as other healing practices for Dreaming & Awakening!

Remembering the Sacred

Remembering the Sacred

New Moons are times to reset and to remember the sacred - the next one is tomorrow night, December 6, at 11:20pm PT. So, we are in the dark moon time tonight - a time of releasing and shedding, also a time of dreaming into the next cycle. What intentions will you set for the new moon as we go ever deeper into winter, the season of sacred pause?

Temporarily pause and disengage from busyness…even here, now, in the midst of reading this, take three breaths - in, out, in, out, in, out, sigh…reconsider how you want to be with yourself, with your family and friends, with the world…then reconnect in a new way. In a way that feeds your Soul, delights your Spirit and remembers the Sacred.

I came across the following quote this week and it really touched me, and perhaps it will touch your heart, as well:

“When we feel certain that the human soul is no longer at work in the world, it’s time to make sure that ours is visible to someone, somewhere.” - Parker J. Palmer⁣

Say to someone tonight or tomorrow: “I see you, I hear you, I care.” Maybe that will allow them to soften, to feel, to love, to pause and breathe again. Maybe that will invite their soul forward. And maybe that will bring your soul forward, so that soul rather than self-preserving ego leads the way. I’ll be working on this through the next lunar cycle, and probably for the rest of my life!

I invite you look to your life and set an intention as you close your eyes to sleep and dream this night. With Trust. With Love. With Joy. Because being here is so much and everything here apparently needs us:

“But because truly being here is so much; because everything here apparently needs us, this fleeting world, which in some strange way keeps calling to us. Us, the most fleeting of all. Once for each thing. Just once; no more. And we too, just once. And never again. But to have been this once, completely, even if only once: to have been at one with the earth, seems beyond undoing.” - Rainer Maria Rilke⁣

To support you in this…

Magical Ally: Myrrh

Myrrh is an ancient and sacred resin. It is seldom used alone, and more often in conjunction with frankincense or sandalwood (beautiful allies that we’ll explore later). Myrrh is a messenger of peace and harmonizes discordant energy.

  • Burn myrrh with frankincense to dispel negative energies that may be interfering with peace in your home or work - it is an ally for breaking hexes!

  • Add a few drops of high quality myrrh and peppermint to coconut oil for oil pulling to promote harmonious speech (and healthy gums).

  • Diffuse myrrh with sandalwood as you meditate with the new or full moon.

  • Put a few drops of myrrh essential oil on a tissue next to your pillow and breathe in the sacred scent as you drift into Dreamtime, for it is upon “the mountain of myrrh that the beloved dreams he will meet his heart's desire” (Song of Songs 4:6).

  • Make an anointing oil of myrrh, frankincense, cedar (or sandalwood) in a carrier oil such as jojoba or apricot seed to massage over your heart and remember the sacred.

  • Keep a bottle of myrrh essential oil or sachet of resin in your magical basket and let the aroma comfort and sooth you when your heart is tired or lonely.

Wishing you Love and Sweet Dreams,

P.S. If you'd like a high quality myrrh essential oil can order a single bottle HERE  at retail price. Or, if you’d like to receive Wholesale pricing on all your doTERRA essential oils and products, I would be honored for you to join me! You can get started right away HERE or respond to this email and we can set up a (free) consultation to support you with these magical allies.

Photo by Linda Xu on Unsplash

Winter Solstice: Darkness Gives Way to Hygge and Light

Winter Solstice: Darkness Gives Way to Hygge and Light

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