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52. mystical musing: Activated and Eclipsed

(inspired by Lughnasadh and the Aquarius Full Moon of 2017)

Are you ready for some activation? Are you ready for your patterns to be eclipsed? It’s coming. It’s here. I felt it strongly during the Leo New Moon which initiated this current lunation, soon reaching its peak with the Aquarius Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse at 11:11am PDT on 7 August, 2017.

One of my priestess sistars, Divine Harmony, says this of the Aquarius Full Moon opposite the Leo Sun: “With the Leo/Aquarius axis highlighted there is focus on individuality and community, ME and WE, personal and collective, heart and mind, feelings and thoughts.” 

When the ME and WE come together and resolve any apparent conflicts, the luminous individual (Leo) is in full service of the Whole (Aquarius). As this happens, our thinking mind is illuminated by the heart, renewing hope, possibility, and empowerment to live in a new way - with Self and Other. 

The mental veils of illusion and delusion are pulled back, and we can look beneath the superficial layers and unconscious patterns. We are asked to show up in a new way, to be proactive and truly create the world we Dream of…for the future is coming in now. Can you be with reality? Can you accept the way things are, and do what is necessary to engage fully? Now that you see, what will you do? What will you choose? How will you serve? 

These questions present us with an opportunity to shift, to wake up, to fully embody Whole Self (body, mind, heart, child spirit and soul) where the Inner meets the Outer. 

Along the way of transformation, as patterns are eclipsed, i invite you to check in regularly with your physical, emotional and mental states. Cultivate compassion, joy, gratitude, generosity, peace, and passion. These are all aspects of LOVE. 

If you find yourself in lower vibrations, go underneath them and explore the shadow realm of repressed thoughts, emotions and desires. Let the ecstasy of Love burn through you, igniting your beautiful heart. In this way, action overcomes inertia; resolute transformation burns through complacent adaptation. 

Can we? Yes. Can you? Yes. Will we??? Will you??? 

Bright Moon Blessings,

* I invite you to return to the Lugnasadh meditation posted last week, and after the Full Moon comes and goes, there will be an integration meditation to practice. 

53. mystical musing: Dream into Source

51. mystical musing: You Reap What You Sow