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67. Mystical Musing: Pause, Feel, Remember

(inspired by Thanksgiving)

This is such a beautiful time of year. We have moved through the Samhain portal and are on the Otherside with Thanksgiving just days away. 

Wherever you are, whatever you do, whoever you’re with, step slightly outside the circle of activity for just a moment. Slow down. Take a few deep breaths and be the One Who Watches. Observe your surroundings with all senses - sight, touch, smell, taste, sound - bring it all in. Savor the moment and put it in your memory box.  

If we allow ourselves this sacred pause, we can feel the poignancy of this time - remembering those who are no longer with us in the flesh and feeling gratitude for those who are here still. During Samhain, we connected with our eternal past through our ancestors (of blood and soul) in dreams, divination, rituals, ceremonies and synchroncities. At Thanksgiving, many of us will gather with our blood and soul families, sharing traditions, stories, and new memories. 

Personally, this season is especially full of Beauty, Love & Magic.

On the day before i went into labor with my son (by the way, you’ll hear a lot about him in these musings, because he is my most mystical and real love and inspiration), my husband and i went for an evening walk. As the waxing Full Moon rose in the east, we walked by a pond surrounded by white herons. Herons - white, grey or blue - always remind me of my grandmother. I feel her presence nearby because she loved them, and i also see something of her in their graceful, peaceful watching.

Now, as i write in the night, the candles are lit and my son is sleeping peacefully. It is a simple joy to be here in the quiet darkness feeling how much life has been utterly transformed. Our Thanksgiving this year will be quiet - a pumpkin pie and words of gratitude. 

Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings on you and your loved ones, present, future and past. May your holiday be a holy-day of boisterous or quiet celebration and remembrance.



68. Mystical Musing: The Black Madonna

66. Mystical Musing: Dreaming as Divination