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63. mystical musing: Hold the Center

(inspired by the Libra New Moon of 2017)

We are in a new lunar cycle initiated by the New Moon in Libra this past Thursday. Libra is the sign of the scales. She holds our humanity in one hand and our divinity in the other. She takes delight in life. 

We are called to do the same. When we hold the center of love, we also hold these paradoxes of humanity and divinity. We have a better chance of knowing what to do and how to be in this time. We open to the everyday miracles along the Beauty Way. 

A simple life example from my Libra New Moon ritual: At the turning of the Moon, I walked in a circle with two stones and a smudge of mugwort. Mugwort is the alpha dreaming herb. With her support, i offered my dreams and stones - Love & Strength to see the Beauty of life here and now, and to serve the highest and deepest good of All, Source without source. Two sweet little finches fluttered into the branches nearby, curiously eyeing me as if listening to the whisperings of my prayers. I could feel the living presence of the Divine in them, in me, in that moment…It was one of those precious miracles reminding me of the magic of being here. Simple. Precious. Beautiful. 

In being fully here, we are fully human, fully divine. This way of living requires a bold strength and sweet surrender as it goes against conventional complacency. It asks us to show up even when we don’t want to. It takes us beneath the surface distractions that are running rampant. It can be quite radical in that it calls us to no longer deny our heart’s desires and to find a way forward even with a broken heart. 

We can choose to walk an alternative path. Like Gaia, we can live in a way that is magnetic at the core, attracting that which we love, that which delights our spirits, no matter what is happening at the surface. We can be here for one another, holding each other up when life gets tough and we feel like we are falling apart. Note: We are the delight of Gaia. She, the Great Mother, holds us to Her magnetic center, never letting us fall off the planet. Now that’s something! 

So, what do you love? What delights your spirit? How can you serve through your humanity and divinity?

Blessings as you walk the Beauty Way with strength and love. Blessings as you connect ever more deeply with both your humanity and divinity. Blessings as you explore and experience all that delights and moves you to prayerful sacred action. 


* A Guided Meditation to connect you with the Center, with your humanity and your divinity, is coming soon for patrons of Beauty, Love & Magic

64. mystical musing: Death & Rebirth: Soulful Transformation

62. mystical musing: The Alchemy of Fire & Wind