I’m so happy you’ve landed here where you’ll discover Network Chiropractic as well as other healing practices for Dreaming & Awakening!
is a miraculous structure of incredible beauty, love and magic at the very center of our humanity. It is the conduit of our divinity and the communicator of our vitality.
The spine is the central channel for inspiration, creativity and epiphany. It carries messages and connects all parts of you, sending and receiving valuable information that physically, emotionally and energetically “in-forms” who you are. It anchors you to the Earth below and Cosmos above.
Network Spinal (NS) Chiropractic is a light touch form of chiropractic care designed to enhance your body’s natural healing abilities. The technique focuses on releasing patterns of tension/stress in the fascia and central nervous system through gentle, precise and specific contacts along the spine. In this way, the body is able to become self-aware, unwind these tension patterns, and learn new strategies for how to adapt to the physical, chemical, and mental/emotional stressors in life.
We measure a person’s health by the flexibility of their spine. To have a flexible and resilient spine that is capable of responding and shape-shifting with the demands of internal and external growth is to have a powerful ability evolve and thrive. This is more than feeling safe and secure or wanting to revert back to the way things were. This is about being able to step fully into the life you are meant to be living now.
This work energizes you so that you are able to contribute to this world in a more impactful way. The way “you do you” is upgraded and enhanced - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and soulfully. The absence of pain is simply not enough. NS is committed to extraordinary living and it starts with a body-mind-soul that feels adaptable, resourceful, energized, connected, inspired and clear.
The gentle and profoundly effective chiropractic discipline of Network Spinal offers the opportunity for people to make significant positive change in their body, outlook on life, and overall quality of life. As you’ll experience, this is unlike other chiropractic techniques. There are no high speed manipulations - cracking or popping.
There is a tremendous amount of research in this discipline. Case studies have reported improvement in spinal curvatures (particularly cervical lordosis and lumbar scoliosis), vision in a person with diabetes, psoriasis, balance, attention and Meniere's disease. Studies continue to be published by the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research: Literature Review.
There is a field of energetic abundance and vitality within and around you. Say YES to the invitation and I’ll see you on the table - inquire about your first appointment HERE because you belong here.
With Great Love,
Dr. Jennifer Marie Lane, DC
P.S. Extraordinary living requires a community that shares these values. Take your community higher with you. Your referrals help connect us to those who would have otherwise not found us. Thank you!