

I’m so happy you’ve landed here where you’ll discover Network Chiropractic as well as other healing practices for Dreaming & Awakening!

Holiday Growth Opportunities

Holiday Growth Opportunities

Wow, what a week! The Sagittarius New Moon is this Tuesday at 7:06am PST, initiating us into a new lunar cycle and the holiday season. Let’s start it out right with the inspiration and motivation to radiate magnificence and magnify radiance within and all around us! 

And, as we gear up for the holiday season, let’s not deny that there may be challenges to face. Family dynamics and memories are bound to rise to the surface as “growth opportunities.” As the inevitable happens, it really takes conscious intention and devotion to not slip side into withdrawal, denial or distraction of some kind. It also takes community and a willingness to ask for support - a simple text, walk in the woods, or shared meal with friends…

My friend Cinnamon Rose wrote this in her newsletter yesterday and I fully agree: “The entire year of 2019 has been a training ground of sorts, pushing us to our edges, giving us the practice we need to confront change, loss, and healing in a healthy way.”

So, we have bundled the last three Wheel of the Year Masterclasses into one package to support you through the holiday season and into 2020.  The themes covered are:











The bundle is valued at $99, but available for 50% off and immediate download HERE

And stay tuned.  The Winter Solstice Guidebook is coming!

May you move through this time with resilient strength, fierce grace and unquestionable love,


P.S. To those of you in Bend, two BIG announcements! 1. I'll be opening my Network chiropractic office very soon and will be scheduling new patient visits; and 2. I'm subbing at the Yoga Lab a Level 2/3 Vinyasa this Wednesday at 5:30pm!

Network Chiropractic and Belonging in Bend, Oregon

Network Chiropractic and Belonging in Bend, Oregon

The Alchemy of Samhain

The Alchemy of Samhain