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Embody the Dream

Embody the Dream

- Taurus New Moon
- May 15, 2018 @ 4:48am PT
- elemental focus: earth
- body focus: physical
- additional astrology: Uranus enters Taurus at 8:23am PT

This is the time of the New Moon in Taurus, sign of the bull. Close your eyes and go back into ancient memory when the gods and goddesses roamed the earth. Remember a time when the Earth and the earthiness of our animal bodies were sacred, gifts of the god and goddess: He as the virile bull, stag king, goat-footed god; She as the Earth and great horned goddess with a mantle of stars and crescent moon upon her crown.

Look to the sky tonight as the moon fades into full darkness among the stars. Feel the subtlety of your physical body in communication with the heavenly realms. Then, when you close your eyes to sleep, slip into your inner landscape. Here is the embodied dreamscape where the ancient ones still frolic and the Soul continues to speak.

As the Moon turns early in the pre-dawn hours, open to the dreaming of Gaia and your body. Feel your body held in the coziness of your bed and held upon this ever-turning Earth. Ask for what you need to thrive, especially physically and financially, as Taurus is an earthy sign concerned with such material things (and this is Good!). Ask, too, for what the Earth needs - for how you and I and we can shift in our relationship to her and her precious resources. Ask for guidance.

As the morning light shines in, feel the promise of a new day and a lunar cycle. Know in your bones that all is coming and all will be well. Feel in your blood the pulse of your heart, constantly moving and nourishing, mirroring the pulse of Gaia. Sense in your skin the physical world, the manifest dream of you, of the gods and goddesses, of All together.

Embody the Dream.


(more moon musings and meditations on

Solidarity: in service of Love and Freedom

Beloved Beltane