so...what about Christ?
Across time and space, people have celebrated the return of the Light at this time of year. At the Winter Solstice, the Light is reborn and then grows with each passing night. This is the way of the natural world, a way that can feed the Soul with miracles and mysteries when we turn towards it.
As a once-Christian and now devotee of the Magdalene and Great Mystery, I am standing back from this crazed commercialized season of Christmas and wondering...So, what about Christ? Even if I no longer identify as "Christian" is there still some magic to be felt during these holy days? How can Christ be experienced in a personal way?
Christ Consciousness: I am the Way, the Truth, the Light
I’m not talking about Jesus as a man, though he was quite a man! I’m talking about Christ as an energy, an awareness, a consciousness - a way of being with ourselves and with the world. Christ Consciousness is available to us all. It is the I Am Presence, Promise of Eternal Life, Light of the World, Radical Compassion and Unconditional Love. And, wow, the world most certainly needs a healthy dose of all of that!
So, this Christmas, I will contemplate the energy behind the season. I will go for a walk under snow-dusted trees and admire the beauty of this world. I will quietly repeat the mantra, “I am the Way, the Truth, the Light,” as I fall asleep and awaken. I will feel into that mysterious something Greater and Deeper beyond dogma, beyond personality, beyond identity...And I will open to what comes in epiphanies and dreams.
Perhaps you will dream with me in these still dark days of winter that hold the promise of light and love.
With Love,