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58. mystical musing: What Matters

(inspired by the Virgo New Moon of 2017)

In a culture filled with images and videos, it’s easier now than ever to look outside and compare ourselves to who and what we see out there. Humans often feel lonely for other people, and we seek validation from "them" that we are doing okay. We forgo the simple, beautiful, lovely and magical things in favor of mindless scrolling. 

We are conditioned by what Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes calls the “overculture” to do, be, say and want certain things. But, the overculture calls us away from Source, away from being connected and content, away from knowing our heart’s deepest desires. Looking to the outside and falling into the grip of the overculture reopens scars and triggers old childhood wounds of not being wanted/seen/heard/believed/accepted.

However, as the Moon goes dark (as she was last night), we can also make our screens go dark for a moment. We can turn into the quiet space of being alone without the bright lights, sounds and distractions. 

So, what if we allowed ourselves to drop into another layer of our being; a layer that is interconnected with non-human intelligence; a layer that is elemental, solar, lunar, primal? 

Align and commune with life, all life, not just the forms that speak a human language. Connect with Nature - the elements, animals, seasons and lunar rhythms. Connect with yourself and do-be-know what you love. Open to the unspoken, unseen, unthinkable, unknown, unbound, Underworld ways of communicating - to the Void - to the Great Mystery - to the Source.

Those who are drawn to Source are dangerous to the overculture - the status quo - consensus reality. We are trekking into the wild terrain of the Soul where there is no path. At times this can feel dangerous to the parts of ourselves that are tied into consensus reality - the ego and its personas. At these times we may be drawn to spending more time on the phone/computer/television. Then, somehow we are bolted awake and realize that we are again looking to the outside for direction on a map to a path that we know isn’t really there.

The Moon is on your side today. You won’t be able to see her, because she is in her dark phase. She has gone into her great celestial room and turned off the lights to attend to herself. Do the same. She will help you align and heal. She will help you know what’s real (more so than the images on your screen). She will help you know what truly matters. Soften into her. Feel you feeling her. 

It matters what you do when the lights are out and the door is closed - when no one is watching. 

So, I'm going to sign off, turn on some fun music and dance my way through the rest of the morning! Enjoy your day and make Beauty, Love & Magic in whatever you do and wherever you go!

Dark and New Moon Blessings,

* The Guided Meditation will be posted on Patreon soon!

59. mystical musing: The Second Harvest & Feast

57. mystical musing: Through the Chaos