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49. mystical musing: go down, down, down until down becomes up

(inspired by the Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Pluto of 2017)

It was challenging to find the words and energy to write this week. The transition from Hawaii back to the Bay Area has rocked my nervous system - the pace of life, jet lag, 24 weeks pregnant, and powerful Full Moon conjunct Pluto (god of death and the Underworld)!

Did you find your world rocked over the weekend, as well?

Sometimes the Moon pulls you in and spits you out on the Otherside. Maybe there is no dark side, only an other side. Sometimes the Earth draws you down, down, down…and you keep going until you think you hit rock bottom. But perhaps there is no rock bottom, perhaps you arrive at the point where down becomes up…and you find that without even knowing it, you are going up, up, up and resurfacing to the light with an entirely new perspective and place within yourself and in the world.

Here are some words from William Stafford:


“How to Regain Your Soul”

Come down Canyon Creek trail on a summer afternoon
that one place where the valley floor opens out. You will see
the white butterflies. Because of the way shadows
come off those vertical rocks in the west, there are
shafts of sunlight hitting the river and a deep
long purple gorge straight ahead.
Put down your pack.

Above, air sighs the pines. It was this way
when Rome was clanging when Troy was being built,
when campfires lighted caves. The white butterflies dance
by the thousands in the still sunshine. Suddenly, anything
could happen to you. Your soul pulls toward the canyon
and then shines back through the white wings to be you again.


So, go down into the canyon to where the butterflies blossom from what was once a grey dull slime. Your soul is waiting to emerge into the radiant bliss of consciousness.

Wherever you are on the journey, i wish you great Peace.

* The Guided Meditation this week is a journey into the canyon to where the butterflies soar.

50. mystical musing: Longing for Longing

48. mystical musing: Bowl of Light