In the midst of this time of great change, i have been seeking words and states of mind-body that remind me of the eternal…a pot of tea, a cup of mocha, a glass of champagne, a yoga practice, a meditation, a walk without destination, an evening with friends, a good book…John O’Donohue, Celtic mystic and philosopher, is one of my favorite sources of inspiration. Though he has passed to the other side, his words linger and speak to the time at hand:
“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment” (John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom).
The eternal makes you urgent…the soul awakens…the light streams in…the quest begins in earnest…
What compels you to wake up each morning and get out of bed? What draws you out of the shell of sleep? What gives meaning to this Earth walk and all that you do and strive for each day? Mouths to feed? Bills to pay? Someone who loves you? Someone you love? A vision or mission that won’t let you go? A story to share? A destiny to live into? A dream? A quest? A taste of the eternal?
Whatever it is, we cannot go back to sleep.
The revolutionaries are awakening - the dreamers and the change-maker, the shaker-uppers and the no-nonsense, throw out the old, bring in the new nearly ruthless truth sayers. Be free they say. Be free we pray.
And…we remember that within revolution is evolution, a process of becoming, the slow tender burn of eternity. Open to the immediacy of the moment as well as the long term affects of our choices and actions. Do not sit on the sidelines watching for too long. Look, see what needs to be done, and do it. Just do it (thank you Nike for the clear call to action).
And…be aware of where and how you hold yourself back. Turn towards those karmic patterns of shrinking, hiding, and resisting. These patterns can change, and they most definitely do change all together when the soul awakens. You are not a victim to yourself of yesterday or a moment ago. Be the change-maker and peace-maker, the revolutionary Spirit of your own Soul. Keep moving forward and dreaming the world awake through your thoughts, words and actions.
The time is now.
* The Guided Meditation this week is the first of a chakra series connecting us with the downward current of manifestation. We begin with connecting to Ba, an energetic portal of celestial light above the crown chakra.